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Car Accident Victim Gets Compensation She Deserved

The vehicle containing our client was in the left lane of traffic passing another vehicle.    The other vehicle attempted to enter into our client’s lane of traffic clipping the back passenger side of our client’s vehicle.

Based on the impact our client’s vehicle was violently pushed off the road, spun around and ended sandwiched under an overpass bridge facing the opposite direction of their travel.

The injuries as a result of this accident were numerous. She was diagnosed with a sprain of joints and ligaments of her neck, as well as a concussion. She continued to have vertigo with the feeling as though they are spinning or moving or that the world is spinning around them.

Our client underwent therapy that consisted of  balance retraining, endurance training, gait/stair training, manual therapy,  neuromuscular reeducation, myofascial release, pain management, posture/body mechanics, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue mobilization and outpatient therapeutic exercises.

Mc&B filed suit in this case and took on the defendant’s insurance carrier.  As a result, we were able to obtain a five figure settlement for our client.