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Holiday Car Accidents in Kansas City

winter road conditions warning sign on roadway

The holiday season is upon us and many of us here in Kansas City feel that the air is filled with festive spirit and excitement. Families will gather, festive decor will adorn houses and businesses, and holiday shoppers will be out in droves. Amidst the celebrations, there’s an unfortunate and often overlooked trend – a rise in car accidents. At McShane & Brady, your trusted Kansas City personal injury law firm, we want you to enjoy the holidays to the fullest, but also stay informed about holiday car accidents in Kansas City and the potential risks that come with this time of year.

‘Tis the Season to be Cautious

The months of November, December, and early January see a significant increase in travel as people embark on holiday journeys to visit loved ones or enjoy a winter getaway. With more vehicles out on our local roads,  the likelihood of holiday car accidents in Kansas City and the surrounding areas naturally rises. The roads in and around Kansas City will become busier with holiday shoppers on a mission, gathering presents, festive food, and all the necessities to create cherished memories. The influx of vehicles naturally elevates the risk of accidents, making it crucial for drivers to exercise caution during this bustling time.

Weather Woes

Kansas City is no stranger to winter weather, and with it comes a host of challenges for drivers. Snow, ice, and sleet can create hazardous road conditions, leading to an uptick in accidents. It’s crucial for drivers to adapt to changing weather patterns and exercise caution to prevent collisions. Be sure to check the weather forecast before heading out so you are prepared for any weather changes that may occur and cause hazardous road conditions. Allow more travel time to and from your destinations, bring cold temperature gear, and adjust your plans accordingly, to avoid driving in inclement weather whenever possible. Additionally, avoid non-essential driving if dangerous road conditions exist. 

Distracted Drivers

The holiday season is synonymous with joy, but it can also bring distractions that increase the risk of accidents. In previous blog articles, we discussed the leading causes for accidents in Missouri and Kansas, and distracted driving was at the top of both states’ lists. The holidays can lead to even more inattentive driving. With people rushing to finish last-minute shopping, organizing gatherings, or simply caught up in the merriment, it’s easy to become distracted behind the wheel. McShane & Brady encourages all drivers to prioritize safety, limit distractions, and stay focused on the road.

The Influence of Holiday Celebrations

Holiday celebrations often involve indulging in festive spirits, and unfortunately, some individuals choose to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. This dangerous behavior significantly contributes to the spike in accidents during the holiday season. McShane & Brady advocates for responsible drinking and the use of alternative transportation options to ensure everyone’s safety.

Tips for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season

  •     Plan your travel in advance to avoid last-minute rushes.
  •    Check the weather forecast and adjust your travel plans accordingly.
  •    Avoid distractions while driving, such as texting or using a mobile phone.
  •    Arrange for a designated driver or alternative transportation if you’ve been drinking.
  •    Be patient on the roads, especially in heavy traffic.

Injured In a Kansas City Accident?

If you find yourself injured in an accident in the Kansas City area, don’t hesitate to reach out to the dedicated personal injury attorneys at McShane & Brady. Our team is committed to ensuring that your rights are protected, and we are ready to fight tirelessly on your behalf. Understanding the physical, emotional, and financial toll an accident can take, our attorneys are here to guide you through the legal process and advocate for the compensation you deserve. With a wealth of experience in personal injury cases, we have a proven track record of helping clients secure the maximum compensation for their injuries. Contact McShane & Brady today to benefit from the expertise and dedication of our legal team in navigating the complexities of personal injury law and pursuing justice for your case.

We Wish You Safe and Happy Holidays! 

While the holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, it’s crucial to stay vigilant on the roads to ensure a safe and happy experience for everyone. McShane & Brady is committed to promoting road safety and providing support to those affected by accidents during this time. We wish you a joyful and accident-free holiday season!