Did You Receive Notification of a Data Breach?

It seems as if a day doesn’t go by when we don’t read or hear news about a data breach at a company or health care institution.
Cyberattackers or an unauthorized individual gained access to the private information of its customers and may use that information, therefore causing credit problems or identity theft.
When you get this notification, what do you do?
If you are notified, you need to act immediately. You need to change your passwords, add a security alert to your credit reports and even consider placing a freeze on your credit reports.
When securing your accounts, start with the specific breach notification. Update your passwords and PIN’s you use for banking and credit cards. It’s always a good habit to change your passwords a few times each year just to ensure security.
If you decide that you want credit protection, often times you will find in the notification letter that you can enroll free of charge. A fraud alert will remain on your credit report for one year.
You need to contact McShane & Brady. Mc&B is a leading firm nationwide that represents those who have been the victim of a data breach. Mc&B represents not only individuals but also is a leader in class action cases representing hundreds of thousands. Time is of the essence with these cases. It is vital that you contact us immediately after receiving a letter.
You need to keep records of the steps you took to prevent any identity theft. Hang on to any documents that are usual such as statements from unfamiliar lenders, unusual mail or emails and IRS notices. Be aware that by the time you have received a notice, your information has been available for some time.
If you’ve been notified of a data breach, seeking legal representation is highly recommended. The personal injury law firm of McShane & Brady, LLC, is dedicated to helping data breach victims navigate legal complexities, protecting your rights, and securing the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (816) 888-8010 or visit our website to schedule a free consultation. Let us guide you through the process and ensure your rights are protected every step of the way.